Monday, December 27, 2010

V-образен неидентифициран летящ обект, Канада

Date: October 16, 2010
Time: 7:31 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Cascade Mountains British Columbia.
Number of Witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: UFO "V shaped.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: My husband and I live in apartment with a beautiful view over East (Sumas and Cascade Mountains) and Mount Baker. It was more than a week ago in early mourning on 16 Oct, 2010. We woke up early that morning because my husband had planned a trip. It was Saturday, I was not rushing for work. I made my coffee and like usual sat on the sofa with my laptop, red some news, did a bit of work in my own culinary BlogSpot.

The skies above British Columbia are common pathways for many airplanes and I’ve seen many of those flying over. Somehow the scenery I observed that morning was rather different than the usual.

At some time I’ve lost internet connection, it should have been around 7:26am. I did restart my computer and while waiting for it I looked out of the window. Here is the place I would like to mention that observing the sunrises over Rocky Mountains when the weather is nice is my favorite part of the day. I have many nice photos of those sunrises and my camera is always around.

At this time I noticed something very bright in the sky. The weather was mostly clear with a few clouds. At first I thought, “It is an airplane with contrail segments and the light from rising sun gives its brightness to this reflection”. It was moving very slowly and it was brighter than any other similar reflections.

It looked like approaching, almost hovering at one place. I don’t have binoculars and some times I use my camera’s zoom option to see objects closer. I’ve noticed the “V” shaped form and the slow speed of this object. I took 19 photos until the object “dive” behind the rim. This object did not change it’s shape except it seems like it turns counterclockwise on it’s axis and looked more like a “U” and has a complex trajectory.

If you have seen anything like this in the same or different area please be kind enough to contact Svetlana D at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.


 Накратко:  Снимките са правени преди изгрев слънце, обектът се намира на изток, така че много е вероятно да отразява сутрешните слънчеви лъчи и това, което се вижда да са следи от обикновен самолет...Това, което ми направи впечатление е че прекалено дълго се задържа на едно място, преди да се "гмурне" зад хребета на планината. Беше много ярък и не се смали оптически, така както отдалечаващ се самолет. Имаше сложна траектория и изглежда като, че има леко завъртане по оста си, обратно на часовниковата стрелка. Местността, над която бе наблюдаван този обект е богата на паранормални явления. Интересно е да се отбележи,че е почти до границата с Щатите.


етикети на блога: нло, извънземни, Канада, България, паранормални явления